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About Soul Shine

Have You Ever Dulled

Your Shine?

Soul Shine Carrie Myers Ebook Cover FINAL NOV1.jpg

Throughout this book, you will journey through the struggles, self-doubt, and pain that 26 women have overcome.  With each chapter, you will witness 26 transformations of soul and life.  In the midst of desire to slough off the “shoulds” of our world, these women grow, inspire, and reclaim the shine that was always inside them.  As they witnessed their light brightening, they excavate their soul’s purpose and discover the authentic and exquisite women they were always meant to be.  Allow their words and experiences to inspire you to reclaim your purpose and shine that is the infinite, flawless you.


As you walk this path with these 26 ladies, grab a journal, take notes, and begin your own excavation.  Share your story and with friends and join us in lifting each other and lighting the passage along the ascent to higher vibration and fulfillment. 



Along her healing journey, Carrie Myers realized that she made herself small and dulled her shine for the comfort of others.  The reality is that most people do, especially women.  In our efforts to “be good” and acceptable, we shrink ourselves.  Carrie knew it is time to tell our stories, share our struggles and then break free of the shadows.  Along with 25 other amazing, vulnerable, and powerful women, she exposes her heart and strives to create a consciousness around the tragedy of women not claiming and fully living in their soul’s purpose.  


It is time we all shine our brightest.

The Unbound Press is a soul-led publishing imprint for female authors writing transformational books. They believe we can change the world, one book at a time! To find out more about their books and becoming an author with them, head to:

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